Rare and Vintage Pokemon TCG Binder
View all the raw (ungraded) rare, holo-foil, and promo cards in this old school collection from the Wizards of the Coast (WotC) era of the Pokemon TCG. This OG binder has been around since the 2000s and contains the “high-value” cards that Haymaker World TCG has to offer.
Haymaker World TCG Online Store’s Rare and Promo Pokemon TCG Vintage Binder
Why A Four-pocket card album for rare cards?
Since this collection features a lower volume of cards (as opposed to a collection of commons and uncommons), using a four-pocket binder vs a nine-pocket binder made it easier for my younger self to bring around and showcase to friends and other card collectors back then.
Watching the video, you’ll notice how there are a few empty pockets and some cards from outside the Pokemon TCG also housed in the binder; I didn’t really focus on the collecting side of the hobby, as I was more into the battling aspect of it, often playing other kids in school (because, of course, I wanted to be the very best like no one ever was).
That being said, it is more than likely that the album eventually changes as cards are purchased. So, this video also essentially serves as a showcase and archive of sorts; a memory of my most treasured collection from a childhood hobby (and yes, I was also a huge fan of the Gorillaz, and “Clint Eastwood” was a certified classic — I still have the cassette tape of their debut studio album).
Enjoy browsing!